5 Things That Make A New Years Party
Discover what elements make for a great New Year's Eve party and why Hotel Collingwood will be delivering them all and more this December 31st.
Few events are as eagerly anticipated as New Year’s Eve. An opportunity to see out the old and bring in the new, it’s an occasion demanding a celebration and one that brings even home-birds to the party.
On such a night preparation is everything. Increased hype brings with it increased expectation and if organisers are to truly delight a crowd they must leave no stone unturned.
So how can hosts ensure they become party-starters and not party-poopers this December 31st? Here are five must-haves if your event is to go off with a bang…
No party is complete without good food. Whether you plump for a buffet or banquet be sure to call in the caterers and do the job right. Guests cannot after all be expected to party the night away on an empty stomach.
If arranging a sit-down meal it pays to send out copies of the menu well in advance. This affords party-goers not only the opportunity to consider their options but also submit special dietary requirements if necessary.
Here at Hotel Collingwood we place great emphasis on our New Year catering. This will be best evidenced in 2018 as we lay-on a six-course gala dinner.
Those joining us will enjoy an appetising amuse-bouche, before tucking into a delicious cheese souffle by way of a starter. As the evening progresses, a rose sorbet will make for the perfect aperitif preluding the main event itself – a 28-day aged sirloin steak.
Suitably stuffed, patrons will surely make room for dessert – a wonderful champagne sorbet. Our sixth and final course will take the form of coffee and mints, a fitting conclusion to a festive feast.
Certain to taste as delicious as it sounds, this black-tie event will act as the ideal precursor to late night celebrations.
If you would like to reserve a table at the Hotel Collingwood Gala Dinner, click here.
No rendition of Auld Lang Syne is truly complete without a glass of bubbly to hand. Yes, New Year’s Eve is a time to drink and be merry – regardless of whether your tipple contains alcohol or not.
Indeed, revellers value a good bar or failing that a fine selection of drinks when counting down to midnight. As with any food menu, it is important to consider the needs of all those attending. Organisers are duty bound to provide everything from ale to water, forgetting not that some appreciate a hot beverage even on an occasion such as this.
True to form, Hotel Collingwood will be serving drinks from multiple bars next month and handing out a glass of fizz as Big Ben strikes.
If you would like to know more about Hotel Collingwood’s New Year Party, click here.

A party atmosphere owes much to its surroundings. Few remember bashes staged in settings with next to nothing in the way of imagination come decoration. Make no mistake, nearly all the best celebrations occur in a venue befitting of the occasion. New Year – perhaps more than any other date in the calendar – is proof of this.
When seeking inspiration for just how to adorn your hall, bar or living room a little research goes a long way. You may be surprised to learn what impact glitter balls, balloons, crackers, party lights, confetti, poppers, sparklers and themed tableware can have on even low-key affairs…
The Festive Team at Hotel Collingwood certainly appreciate the importance of decoration. Rest assured we will be transforming not just our two-party rooms but the entire hotel this December, helping to get even the shy and retiring into a party spirit.
Entertainment can take many forms but striking the right chord is all important. Come New Year an old-fashioned song and dance is in order, meaning you cannot go far wrong with a disco. Depending on the size of the venue – and the nature of the audience – entertainers may be hired for the evening. Singers, comedians, impressionists and DJs are well versed at working a crowd and will make for a relatively inexpensive compliment to the party.
Remember if any night warrants you pulling out all the stops, it’s this one. This year, crooner Dave Mac will be belting out the tunes as Hotel Collingwood looks ahead to 2019.
Find out more about Dave and our New Year’s Eve entertainment here.

If New Year’s Eve is done right, nobody will want to go home. And nor should they have to. When planning an evening of song, dance and champagne it makes sense to do so at a venue offering accommodation as part of the package. Knowing a hotel room is close-by will delight not just those who are worse for wear but also guests not yet ready to go back to normality. Those January blues can wait!
If charged with organising the celebrations get a feel for how many of your friends, family or work colleagues would prefer the overnight experience. If enough interest exists, seek out a good deal.
Here at Hotel Collingwood we are offering a fantastic New Year package which includes three nights in our coastal hotel, complete with entry to our gala dinner and party. Better still, rooms can be secured from as little as £372 per person.
So there you have it, a handful of essentials proven to elevate parties from the run of the mill to the unforgettable. If planning a New Year celebration of your own be sure to reference all of the aforementioned details. Failing that, join us and have it all taken care of for you.